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Dhaval Dwivedi (Ph.D.)
Education Qualification

• Ph.D. Soil and Water Engineering (2018)

• M. Tech. Soil and Water Engineering (2013) 

• B. Tech. Agricultural Engineering (2009)

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Agriculture, Allied Sciences and Technology
Research Area


Research Papers

1. Bhatt, R., & Dwivedi, D. K. (2022). Digital soil mapping of PAU-regional research station, Kapurthala, Punjab, India. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 88(2), 205-212. 

2. Dwivedi, D. K., & Shrivastava, P. K. (2022). Rainfall Probability Distribution and Forecasting Monthly Rainfall of Navsari using ARIMA Model. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56(1), 47-56. 

3. Pandya, P., Dwivedi, D.K., Prachi, B., Ahirwar, S., & Kumari, N. (2022). Trend and seasonal analysis of annual one day maximum rainfall: Analysis of maximum annual one day rainfall. Journal of AgriSearch, 9(3), 270-274. 

4. Dwivedi, D. K., & Shrivastava, P. K. (2021). Assessment of roof water harvesting potential of Navsari city of Gujarat State, India by Remote sensing and Geographic information system (GIS). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(3), 1143-1150. 

5. Jagani, A. H., Shrivastava, P. K., Lakkad, A. P., Thakur, N. S., & Dwivedi, D. K. (2020). Efficacy of drip irrigation on Melia composita Willd.(Malabar Neem). Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 19(2), 156-161. 

6. Dwivedi, D. K., & Shrivastava, P. K. (2019). Rainfall and runoff estimation of micro watersheds of coastal Navsari. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 18(1), 43-51. 

7. Dwivedi, D. K., & Shrivastava, P. K. (2019). Time Series Modelling of Monthly Temperature and Reference Evapotranspiration for Navsari (Gujarat), India. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology,35(6), 1-13. 

8. Dwivedi, D. K., Kelaiya, J. H., & Sharma, G. R. (2019). Forecasting monthly rainfall using autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA) and artificial neural network (ANN) model: A case study of Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(1), 35-41. 

9. Kelaiya, J. H., Rank, H. D., & Dwivedi, D. K. (2019). Evaluation of morphometric characteristics and watershed prioritization of Bhadar basin of Saurashtra region, Gujarat. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(2), 273-280. 

10. Jagani, A. H., Shrivastava, P. K., & Dwivedi, D. K. (2018). Evaluation of Kostiakov’s and Philip’s infiltration models on the soil of Dediapada, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(3), 1073-1077. 

11. Fadadu, M. H., Shrivastava, P. K., & Dwivedi, D. K. (2018). Application of Horton’s infiltration model for the soil of Dediapada (Gujarat), India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(4), 1254-1258. 

12. Dwivedi, D. K., Sharma, G. R., & Wandre, S.S. (2017). Forecasting Mean Temperature using Sarima Model for Junagadh City of Gujarat. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, 7(4), 183-194.

13. Dwivedi, D. K., Sharma, G. R., & Patel, D. V. (2017). Identification of rainfall probability distribution for Junagadh. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, 7(2), 521-528.

14. Dangar, D. M., Dwivedi D. K., & Mashru, H. H. (2017). Effect of irrigation regimes and lateral spacing on drip irrigated wheat. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, 7(1),417-422.

15. Dangar, D. M., Dwivedi D. K., & Mashru, H. H. (2017). Cost economics of drip irrigated wheat. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, 7(4),511-518.

16. Mashru, H. H., & Dwivedi, D. K. (2016). Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Estimation Models for Junagadh City of Gujarat. Current World Environment, 11(2), 619. 

17. Dwivedi, D. K., Gontia, N. K., & Chavda, J. M. (2015). Hydraulic performance evaluation of mini sprinkler system. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(53), 4950-4966. 

Books/Book Chapters

1. Dwivedi, D. K. (2023). Application of Remote Sensing in Soil Conservation - Recent Trends and Future Implications. In A. Trivedi, V. Parmar, J. Himashu Rao, & Shrankhla Mishra (Eds.), Advances in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (pp. 138-149). Elite Publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-58992-62-5

2. Dwivedi, D. K. (2023). Image classification, GIS integration and acreage estimation for land management. In D. Chouhan, R. S. Yadav, J. Chavda, K. Bhelave, & V. Malik (Eds.), Utility of RS, GIS and GPS in Agriculture and Allied Science (pp. 209-222). Royal Book Publishing. ISBN 978-81-19821-32-7

3. Dwivedi, D. K. (2023). Rainfall Erosivity and Soil Erodibility. In J. Bangre, V. Malik, T. Kumar, V. Parmar, & J.S. Bhaduriya (Eds.), Soil Science (pp. 168-179). Elite Publishing House, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-58996-16-6


1. Best Poster Presentation Award (2019): Dr. Dhaval was awarded with best poster presentation based on the research paper entitled “Estimating roof rainwater harvesting potential using remote sensing and GIS in Onjal, Machhad and Dandi village of Navsari, Gujarat” in the international conference on soil and water resources management for climate smart agriculture, global food and livelihood security at New Delhi organized by soil conservation society of India, world association of soil and water conservation and international soil conservation organization.

2. Best Oral Presentation Award (2018): Dr. Dhaval won the best oral presentation award based on the research paper entitled “Rainfall and runoff estimation of micro watersheds of coastal Navsari” in 27th national conference of soil conservation society of India on sustainable management of soil and water resources for doubling farmers’ income at Jorhat, Assam, India.

General Information

Research Areas

Research work done

M.Tech Thesis Title: Hydraulic Performance Evaluation of Mini Sprinkler System

Ph.D. Thesis Title: Study of Rainfall Predictive Models for Junagadh

Research interests

• Rainfall Predictive Modelling

• Hydraulic Performance Evaluation

• Water Conservation Technologies

• Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

• Soil and Water Conservation

• Hydrologic Modelling and Forecasting

• Infiltration Modelling

• Drip Irrigation Impact Studies

• Climate Smart Agriculture

• Digital Soil Mapping

Student Research Projects- KKIASR: NIL


Dr. Dhaval, appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture, Allied Sciences and Technology at Ganpat University, Gujarat has a robust academic background, he holds a doctorate degree in Soil and Water Engineering from Junagadh Agricultural University. His research has primarily focused on predictive models for rainfall and the evaluation of water conservation technologies, reflecting his deep commitment to advancing agricultural engineering and sustainable resource management.

Dr. Dhaval have consistently excelled in various roles, from a Senior Research Fellow to leading the Agricultural Engineering Department. His work has been recognized through awards at national and international conferences, underscoring his contributions to soil and water resources management. He has been particularly skilled in the Designing of Irrigation Systems, Hydrologic Analysis, and the application of GIS and Remote Sensing in agricultural practices.

Beyond his technical expertise, he is an effective communicator and educator, proven by high scores in the IELTS and his ability to teach complex subjects in an accessible manner. He strives to inspire many students by integrating practical insights and innovative research into the teaching. As he continues to pursue his passion for agricultural sciences, he remains committed to making a meaningful impact on global food security and sustainable agricultural practices.