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Vipul Baldaniya (Ph.D.)
Education Qualification

Ph.D., M. Sc. Crop Physiology and B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Agriculture, Allied Sciences and Technology
Research Area
  • Abiotic Stress
  • Biofortification
  • Biotechnology
  • Genetic Diversity

General Information

Dr. Vipulkumar G. Baldaniya is a dedicated researcher and educator in Plant/Crop Physiology. He holds a Ph.D. from Navsari Agricultural University, Gujarat, and has also qualified for the ASRB-ICAR NET exam, showcasing his expertise in the field. During his doctoral research, he studied different rice germplasms to evaluate their yield and nutritional traits. His work led to the identification of rice lines with high nutritional value, particularly in Zinc, Iron, and Protein. Beyond research, Dr. Vipul is actively involved in academics, delivering lectures on various subjects. His contributions include four research papers, three book chapters and seven articles. His passion for teaching, strong qualifications, and dedication make him a valuable asset to GUNI-KKIASR and the field of crop physiology and agriculture as a whole.


Research Paper

1.   Vipul G. Baldaniya, Ajay V. Narwade, Pathik B. Patel, Nilima Karmakar, (2022). Molecular diversity analysis of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes using RAPD and SSR marker. Emergent Life Sciences Research. 8(2): 113-123.

2.   V. G. Baldaniya, H.S. Bhadauria and A. K. Singh, (2022). In Vitro evaluation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Var. Moench) genotypes under drought condition. Annals of Plant and Soil Research, 24(4):578-585.

3.   Vipul Baldaniya, Hitendra Bhadauria, Anuj Singh, Prakash Patel, Pranay Patel and Deep Detroja, (2021). Effect of Water Deficit on Growth, Physiology and Yield of Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Genotypes. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology. 14(04): 565-574.

4.   D. H. Detroja, D. M. Thakor, V. G. Baldaniya, N. V. Soni and P. C. Patel (2020). Association analysis of morpho-physiological traits in vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 11(3): 954-959.

Books/Book Chapter

1. Sagar K Jadav, Jaimin M. Vadodariya and Vipul G. Baldaniya, (2023). Importance of Plant Physiology in Agriculture. Current Advance Research Trends in Medicinal Plants, PP: 194-204.

2. Sagar K. Jadav, Vipul G. Baldaniya and Paresh Vavdiya (2023). Objective Plant Physiology. Astrl international Pvt. Ltd, ISBN: 9789354614354.

3. V. G. Baldaniya and S. K. Jadav (2022). Zinc absorption in rice: uptake, translocation and transformation. Futuristic Trends in Agriculture Engineering & Food Science, IIP Proceedings, 2(4): 24-33.


1. Vipul Baldaniya and Sagar Jadav (2022). ઉત્સેવ્દન અવરોધક (એન્ટિટ્રાંન્સપરન્ટ) શુષ્ક પ્રદેશોમાં પાક બચાવવા માટેનો એક ઉપાય. Krushi Prabhat, RNI GUJGUJ/2006/18948.

2.  Vipul Baldaniya and Sagar Jadav (2022). ઔષધિય પાક તરીકે સફેદ મૂસળીની ખેતી. Krushi Prabhat, RNI GUJGUJ/2006/18948.

3. V. G. Baldaniya, K. G. Kugashiya, and D. H. Detroja (2020). Physiological Disorder in Mango Plant (Mangifera Indica). AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e-Newsletter, 2(5): 343-345 ISSN (2581- 8317).

4.  V. G. Baldaniya, D. H. Detroja, and D. M. Solanki. (2020). Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by Phytoremediation. AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e-Newsletter, 2(11): 372-375 ISSN (2581- 8317).

5.  D. H. Detroja, V. G. Baldaniya, and D. M. Solanki, (2020).            Effect of High Temperature in Plant Growth and Development. AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e-Newsletter, 2(11): 224-227 ISSN (2581- 8317).

6. D. H. Detroja and V. G. Baldaniya, (2020). Production Technology and Value Addition of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus spp.). AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e-Newsletter, 2(5): 308-311 ISSN (2581- 8317).

7.  D. M. Solanki, D. H. Detroja, and V. G. Baldaniya, (2020). Agronomic Biofortification: Current Need. AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e-Newsletter, 2(11): 162-165 ISSN (2581- 8317)

Award and Achievement

Dr. Vipul’s achievements extend beyond his academic and research endeavours. He has received several prestigious awards and recognitions for his outstanding contributions in the field of Crop Physiology:

1. Best Poster presentation Award (2024): Dr. Jasmee was honoured with the Best Poster Award in 2024 for her remarkable contributions to the field of 3 D Printing. The award was presented during the 3rd Asian Congress on "Plant Pathology: Plant and Soil Health Management for a Better Tomorrow" at Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat.


2. Best Ph.D. Thesis Award (2023): Dr. Vipul was honoured with the Best Thesis Award during his doctorate which was conferred by the 6th International Conference SCALFE-2023 at Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla.

3. 1st rank in Oral Presentation (2022): Dr. Vipul received first rank in oral presentation at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat.

4. Best Paper Award (2021): Dr. Vipul was awarded with The Best Paper Award for "Synthesis of Brassinosteroid with Signaling and Response to Abiotic Stress: Review" from the Center of Excellence in Life Sciences.

5. Young Professional Awards (2020): Dr. Vipul received The Young Professional Awards twice in Crop/Plant Physiology by the Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology and by Astha Foundation, respectively.

6. Best Article Awards (2020): Dr. Vipul received The Best Article Awards for three of his article publication namely, "Agronomic Biofortification: Current Need", "Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by Phytoremediation" and "Effect of High Temperature in Plant Growth and Development" from AGRICULTURE & FOOD: e-Newsletter.

7. Research Scholarship during Ph.D. (2019): The ScHeme of Developing High-Quality Research Scholarship (Ph.D.) was awarded to Dr. Vipul by the Government of Gujarat from 2019 to 2021.

Research Projects


1       Morpho-physiological and genetic evaluation of wheat under drought stress for climate resilient crop improvement

1.     Wheat Quality Seed production


2.     Quality seed production of Hybrid Cotton

3.     Quality seed production of Maize

4.     Quality seed production of Soybean

5.     Quality seed production of Gum guar

Students project under mentorship

6.     A comparative analysis of microorganism present in organic and conventional farming land of semi-arid region of North Gujarat

7.     Reimagining mushroom residue as sustainable 3 D printing material

8.     Bio-trap: plant extract based fruit-fly trap

9.     Improving agricultural water quality through desalination for irrigation

10. Portable NPK meter

11. Chitolive: chitosan for enhanced shelf life

12. Hydrodrop: harnessing hydrogen polymer for advanced water management

13. BeeHuman: revolutionising agriculture with artificial pollinator services

14. Palm Straw: eco-friendly straw from palm straw

15. Menace to miracle: water hyacinth management, value addition and product chain development

16. A nutrient-packed treat: mushroom fortified millet cookies

17. A Comparative study to evaluate plant extracts with synthetic hormones for their PGR properties

18. Bio-pack: sustainable and biodegradable alternative to styrofaom

19. Protocol establishment for micro green cultivation in different growth media

20. Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Cluster bean