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Letsanjoy Mushroom Pvt. Ltd.

Faculty of Agriculture, Allied Sciences and Technology
Contact No.
(M): +91 - 8780299361
Start Date
13/06/2022 09:30 AM
End Date
13/07/2022 04:30 PM
Dharpuri near Chansma, Dist:Patan
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About Centre of Excellence:
This Center of Letsanjoy Mushroom Pvt. Ltd. is located  dharpuri village near chansma. The centre is dedicated specifically for Button Mushroom. The whole industry divided different units research laboratory for spawn prepration, mass multification and fully automatically cooling chamber well compost yard and packaging room. One control room for operate whole unit.The daily production capacity 1400 per kg per day. They Selling their product (button mushroom) all over India. 
Activity Details:
We have scheduled a visit on July 13, 2022 for students of  B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture. We were departure from university at 09:30 AM and reached to the destination at 10:30 AM. After reached CEO, Mr. Ashwin Patel, shared a an excellent information about Mushroom, Establishment of  industries with which mandate, current scenario of company, How it works?.
Then students visited the industries units of mushroom with Ashwin Sir. He gave avaluable information spawn preparation of button mushroom, compost and harvesting of button mushroom. Also gave information of types of mushroom, market for selling of button mushroom.  Details information about the nutritional value of button mushroom.
Practical exposure to the mushroom production to the students
To gain scientific information for future mushroom projects
